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As a not-for-profit association, CNOC is the voice of competitive Internet and telecommunications service providers that own/operate telecommunications networks across Canada.

Its membership is comprised of independent companies that offer competitive, differentiated and innovative services to Canadians.

Established in 2010 as the national advocate for Canadian Independent ISPs, CNOC has been at the forefront of all regulatory and industry-related issues. 

Beyond its industry and regulatory efforts, the association provides members with the networking and business development opportunities as well as idea sharing and cost-saving member services.

Discover more about the value CNOC provides to its members and the current issues that the association is tackling on behalf of its members and the competitive telecommunications industry.

CNOC – Building a next-generation telecommunications industry together.  

© 2023 Competitive Network Operators of Canada/Opérateurs des réseaux concurrentiels Canadiens

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